pH Balance

Have you Checked Your pH Today? Your Health is in the Balance!

pH is the measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The lower the pH number, the more acidic the solution. The higher the pH number, the more alkaline the solution.

In a healthy young adult, water accounts for approximately 70 percent of the total body weight. This water, also known as the fluid of life, occupies two main compartments within the body – intracellular and extracellular. It is vital for these two compartments to balance and maintain an ideal pH range. Many vital bodily functions, including digestion, enzyme activity and hormone balance are completely dependent upon the body to maintain this ideal balance. If the pH is properly balanced, the bodily fluids will clearly demonstrate this factor. Ideally the pH of the saliva will be 6.5-6.8 and the urine pH will fluctuate between 6.0 and 7.0. pH strips are inexpensive and can be purchased at any health food or drug store.

Maintaining a perfect pH can be difficult. Fortunately, the body has three primary systems for maintaining ideal pH: the respiratory, urinary and gastrointestinal including the liver and pancreas. Even with these built-in protective systems, poor diet, stress, dehydration, chemicals and lack of exercise can impact this delicate balance.

Many people have a pH that is “acidic.” The body may borrow some minerals – including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium – from vital organs and bones to buffer the acidic level. Though less common than acidity, alkalinity in the body may affect the same kinds of functions as acidity

Many herbalists and nutritionists believe that overall health may come down to two small words: Acid & Alkaline. A pH-balanced environment maintains proper metabolic function and allows the body to function optimally.

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