“Taking Insulin Raises Cancer Risk, Study Says”

“Taking Insulin Raises Cancer Risk, Study Says”
(Denver Post (8/25/10) – Diabetics who take insulin have a higher risk of developing cancer, according to Danish researchers who say they can’t explain the link. Patients on insulin were 50 percent more likely to get cancer, compared with the general population, researchers led by Bendix Carstensen from the Steno Diabetes Center in Gentofte, Denmark, wrote in an abstract of the study posted on the website of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes.

I am not a scientist, but common sense: Cellular inflammation can cause cancer according to Life Extension Magazine, January 2002. Excess insulin, whether it is created by your body or being administered as a medication, will cause cellular inflammation. In my opinion, pretty simple explanation.

Good health, it’s just not that complicated!

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